Bára Grímsdóttir and Chris Foster
Icelandic folk music with traditional Icelandic langspil, guitar, kantele & shruti
our music
Songs from our album 'FLÚR'
You can listen and buy the album or
download tracks at bandcamp.com here...
Flúr is also available from cdbaby.com/cd/funi
It is also on iTunes and a bunch of other sites.
Songs from our first album 'FUNI'
You can listen and buy the album or
download tracks at bandcamp.com here...
Songs from
Chris Foster's solo album
You can listen and buy the album or
download tracks here...
Songs from
Chris Foster's solo album
You can listen and buy the album or
download tracks here...
Stóðum tvö í túni
& Það mælti mín móðir
Finale concert Siglufjörður Folk Festival, Iceland 2018.
Filmed by Anne Luft.
Ég byrja reisu mín
Siglufjörður Folk Festival,
Iceland, 2018.
Filmed by Anne Luft.
Aldrei skal ég gleyma þér
I shall never forget you
from our album Flúr
Bára sings
(Hymns of the Passion)
nr. 37 - 42
by Hallgrímur Pétursson
Passíusálmur nr. 37
Annað orð Kristí á krossinum
(Christ's second word from the cross)
Live on RÚV
Icelandic national television
Sunday 22nd September 2013
Passíusálmur nr. 38
Um háðung og brigsl, sem Kristur leið á krossinum (The mocking suffered by Christ on the cross)
Heilög jól
Holy Christmas
from our album Flúr
Bára performs chapter 39 of the new Icelandic constitution at
Dagur rímnalagsins 2021
Seafarer's prayer
from our album Flúr
Man ég þig mey
I remember you maid
Mystic Sea Music Festival,
Mystic, CT, USA. 2012
Excerpt from Ræningja rímur
3D video performed for the Christmas day 2017 edition of the New York Times Daily 360 series.
Bára talks about the tradition
Siglufjörður Folk Festival,
Iceland 2018.
Filmed by Anne Luft.
Traditional Icelandic langspil and fidla (fiðla)
Icelandic langspil
A quick introduction to one of Iceland's traditional instruments.
Icelandic fiðla
A quick introduction to what might be Iceland's oldest traditional instrument.

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